Swiss Confederation
Byzantine-Moscovite Orthodox Church built on the ancient site of a Benedictine priory
in the Eaux-Vives district of Geneva, Dostoyevsky's little girl, Sofia, was baptized here. |
... le 140 mètres Jet d'Eau sur le lac Léman
... the 140 meter Jet d'Eau on Lake Geneva |

Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus: translator Τέξτους Ρεσέπτους – Textus Receptus (1516)
(* c. 1466 Rotterdam – † 11/12 juli 1536 Basel)
Hij verdedigde leer van de transsubstantiatie tegen het lawaai van protest en nieuwe religie uitvinding.
Schilderen in het Louvre van Hans Holbein de Jonge (* c. 1497 Augsburg — † 29 November 1543 Londen)
Κόμης Ιωάννης Καποδίστριας – Conte Giovanni Antonio Capodistria – Граф Иоанн Каподистрия – Count Ioannis Antonios Kapodistrias (* 10 February 1776 (O.S.) Κέρκυρα–Corfu — Nafplio–Ναύπλιο, capital of the First Hellenic Republic 9 October 1831 † )
Perhaps a Greek national in the Russian diplomatic service of Emperor Alexander I is an unlikely candidate for hero of Swiss unity and independence (after Napoleon's interventions). Kapodistrias later served (1816-1822), jointly with the Baltic-German Count Karl Robert Nesselrode, as Russian foreign minister to Alexander I. Kapodistrias took a leading role in organizing support for Greek Independence from the Muslim Ottoman Turks, though noteworthily without the support of the Russian State and her Orthodox Tsar. Indeed one might view this as a counterbalance, a prelude and perhaps, in the minds of some, a justification for betrayals a generation later when British, French and Sardinian Christian states sided with the Muslim Ottoman Turks in the Crimean War of X 1853 – II 1856. Though of course one should add (i) that the Greeks did not manage to avoid internecine battles among themselves even as they struggled to rid themselves of a 400-year-old Muslim yoke, with more of the same in the aftermath of doing so; and (ii) such chains of recriminations can be endless, and they certainly do not support the struggle for United European Christendom, unless by the stratagem of instilling some much-needed humility in us all. The first head of state (Κυβερνήτης – Governor) of the just liberated Greece, Kapodistrias served for four and one-half years from May 1827 until his assassination by other Greeks (Maniots) on 9 October 1831.
Monument in Некрасовский Сад – Nekrasovsky Park, Saint Petersburg – Санкт-Петербург |
Genève - Genèva - Genf - Ginevra - Genevra - Geneva |
For those even a bit north of moronic a rather basic question should immediately suggest itself: Which refugees?
Bolsheviks or those peoples of European Christendom beaten down by Bolsheviks?
Muslims or middle eastern Christians fleeing the jizya and the jihad of Islam? |
Rougemont |
... sometimes Switzerland surprises |
Astronomy and Physics and Time |

Confoederatio Helvetica - Iunctus Europae Christianismo |
Die Schweiz - Vereinigtes Europäisches Christentum |
Suisse - Chrétienté Européenne Unie |
Svizzera - Cristianità Europea Unita |
Svizra - Uniu Europeic Cristianissem |
Switzerland - United European Christendom |