Principality of Monaco
La Condamine's large harbour, Port Hercules, but the mountains behind belong to France and the whole place to European Christendom. |
2.02 km² of land |
38,000 people |
and a Gross Domestic Product per capita of perhaps US$ 158,000 (in 2014), in 1st place and ahead even of Liechtenstein and Luxembourg and Norway, and so of all the other poorer countries of the world and of Christendom. |
Cathédrale Notre-Dame-Immaculée (consecrated in 1911), but also called Saint Nicholas Cathedral after the older Church on the same site. |
Saint Benoît de Nursie – Святой Бенедикт Нурсийский – Sanctus Benedictus de Nursia – Saint Benedict of Nursia – San Benedetto da Norcia (* c. 480 Nursia, Perugia – Monte Cassino 21. March 547 †), Saint and Doctor of the Church |
In the Cathédrale Notre-Dame-Immaculée (consecrated in 1911), but also called Saint Nicholas Cathedral after the older Church on the same site. |
Chapel in the Cathédrale Notre-Dame-Immaculée |
The Genoese François, or rather Francesco Grimaldi, the son of Guglielmo Grimaldi and called il Malizia, "the Cunning", entered the castle of Monaco on the night of 8 January 1297 dressed as a Franciscan friar with hand on sword, and the House of Grimaldi, broadly defined, has ruled Monaco nearly all of the time since. (The real Francesco d'Assisi, San Francesco d'Assisi – Saint Francis of Assisi, * born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone in 1181 or 1182, reposed in the Lord only in 1226 Anno Domini, on 3 October †) |
Múnegu / Monaco - Chrétienté Européenne Unie |
Monaco - United European Christendom |