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... and we mean no offense to Russia or to her people, which people we certainly hold as dear as the Germans or anyone else in European Christendom,

and more so if they are defenders of Church and of Christendom,

and it is a painful memory indeed that XIII century Catholic Crusaders of the

Civitas Ordinis Theutonici – Staat des Deutschen Ordens –the State of the Teutonic Order

did not grasp the vital distinction between,

protecting Christendom from the menace of Islam and war, as evil as it was counterproductive, against Orthodox Christians,

but giving this city or region of European Christendom the appellation of the Bolshevik М. И. Калинин – M.I. Kalinin is simply to ludicrous to bear.


  Hauptorgeln dem Königsberger Dom – main organ of the Königsberg Cathedral – Основные орган Кафедрального собора Кёнигсберга  
  Hauptorgeln dem Königsberger Dom – main organ of the Königsberg Cathedral – Основные орган Кафедрального собора Кёнигсберга  
  As rebuilt by Alexander Schuke Potsdam Orgelbau and installed in 2008.  




  Königsberger Dom – Königsberg Cathedral – Кафедральный собор Кёнигсберга  
  Königsberger Dom – Königsberg Cathedral – Кафедральный собор Кёнигсберга  
  Built in the Kneiphof area of town, circa 1333 to 1380, the British, as they were wont to due under the command of the war criminal Winston Churchill, carpet bombed the Cathedral along with other civilian targets in Königsberg over the night from 29 to 30 August 1944, killing about 100 children who were huddled inside the Church for safety. Nevertheless, although left a burnt out shell, and remaining so for half a century under the Soviet regime, the larger part of that outer shell did survive WWII.  




  Александр Николаевич Черницкий – Alexander Nikolaievich Chernitskii (or Chernitsky), (1918-2010), Созидание Мир – Creation Peace (1982 г.) in Königsberg  
  Александр Николаевич Черницкий – Alexander Nikolaievich Chernitskii (or Chernitsky), (1918-2010), Созидание Мир – Creation Peace (1982 г.)
  a curious composition  
  Эпоха Возрождения – Renaissance   Новая Эпоха Возрождения – New Renaissance  
  Here we find attempts to depict great artists from the a previous "epoch" whom Chernitsky obviously admired: Андрей Рублёв – Andrei Rublyov (* c. 1360 – 1430 †); Leonardo da Vinci – Леонардо да Винчи (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519); Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni – Микеланджело Буонарроти (1475 – 1564); Tiziano Vecellio – Тициан Вечеллио (1480/1490 – 1576); Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn – Рембрандт Харменс ван Рен (1606 – 1669); and then suddenly (to the far right) Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов – Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1711 –1765) . True, the works of this extraordinary polymath included painting and especially glass mosaics, it is not for these achievements that he is principally remembered.   And then, from a later "epoch" others whom Chernitskii might, roughly speaking, consider peers, comrade artists, including among others: François Auguste René Rodin (1840 – 1917) and Rodin's sometime assistant, Charles Despiau – Шарль Деспио (1874 – 1946), and the "Russian Rodin," Сергей Тимофе́евич Конёнков – Sergei Timofeyevich Konyonkov (1874–1971), the latter sculptor managed to be Russian in the United States for 22 years, until fetched back to Russia and honored by Stalin in 1945.  



"Rise, and have no fear."   "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him." the Holy Spirit Man proposes, God disposes