Republic of Bulgaria
Църква „Света София“ – Basilica of Hagia Sophia, built from the 4th through the 6th centuries, and so one of the most important extant Churches in Christendom.
It was in fact this Church after which the city was renamed in the 14th century, having been previously named Средец – Sredets. |
... on the shores of the Aegean in Thessaloniki, Bulgarian thanks to SS. Cyril and Methodius. |
Basilica di San Clemente al Laterano - Базиликата Сан Клементе |
Άγιοι Κύριλλος - Sanctus Cyrillus - Свети Константин-Кирил Философ |
XI century Church Saint Petka Samardjiiska |
Статуя на Света София – Statue of Saint Sofia |
България - Обединена Европейския Християнство |
Bulgaria - United European Christendom |